Thursday, June 3, 2010

Excitement to come:

As of this evening (7pm our time, 1pm for most of you, and 7am for a precious few) we will be on our way to the south of France to celebrate one whole year of marital bliss (*yuck*cough*hack*...that was sappy, far too sappy for a Thursday morning).

The general itenary looks like this:
  1. Drive about 1/2 of the 10 hr drive tonight
  2. Stay somewhere along the road, probably a French rest stop (we're crossing our fingers for a warm night)
  3. Drive another 5 hrs tomorrow and arrive in Nice
  4. Stay in Nice at a cheap guesthouse
  5. Do whatever the heck we want in Nice
  6. Drive West to Aix-en-Provence
  7. Stay in a hostel in Aix
  8. Do whatever the heck we want in Provence
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8
  10. Drive home (staying at French Aire (rest stop) if we need to)
We're grateful to have a car and lots of Rick Steves podcasts for this trip, but it's a good thing I like to drive :-)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. We'll be enjoying the coast and thinking of how lucky we are to have you all in our lives.

<3 L & M

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